It's fun and rewarding to create your family story and history. You can create it using solely photos, but how much better would it be to have a variety of ways to share, enlighten, and even empower, present and future generations? To hear the voices of loved ones that reveal accents, inflections, their unique laugh and personality? To see the faces of grandparents sharing stories of their lives, what they've loved and obstacles they overcame and how? To view a family tree that goes back hundreds of years revealing a legacy and connections that can be life changing? Or to read a journal of a person's everyday life with the ups and downs, goals, thoughts and dreams?
As you preserve your own family stories, use a variety of methods to enrich and bring to life who and what your family is all about, including values, beliefs, dreams, culture, traditions and goals!
Saving Memories Forever is an online system that helps families record, save, and share family stories. The system consists of a smartphone app and a website. The app provides an easy and mobile method of recording and uploading stories. Once a story is uploaded, you go to the private website ( where you manage and share your stories with family and friends. The system keeps meaningful stories organized and accessible. Plus, you can attach photos or documents to the question or story to make it even more meaningful.
It's so easy to use too. And the storyteller is more relaxed and willing to share because they're not on camera. You can even record a relative in another city or country by simply putting the call on speaker phone and pressing "Record." Categories and questions are provided in the app as a guide, but you can create your own questions as well.
I use this app as well and love it! I've recorded my mom's stories from childhood all the way to the present. Stories such as where she grew up and went to school, how she met my dad, her likes, dislikes, beliefs, high points and low points in her life. We covered many topics and stories she wanted to share and pass on to her children, as well as grandchildren who would never have the privilege of knowing her or hearing these stories in person. With this app, future generations will get to hear her stories, voice, laugh and passion that would be missed if photos were all we had to share. My dad already died before I found this app, but through my mom I was able to record some of his stories as told in her voice. What a treasure it is to preserve his stories as well.
There is so much more you can do with this app that can't even be covered here. So I recommend you click the link below and explore the possibilities.
Interested in saving your family stories for present and future generations? I have negotiated a discounted price from Saving Memories Forever of ONLY $20 for the first year for their Premium Subscription. THIS IS A SAVINGS OF 50% OFF THE REGULAR ANNUAL WEBSITE PRICE! With this subscription you can record your stories and the stories of your relatives using your smartphone or tablet and share them using the private website. Go to and use Promo Code APPOSS2016 to start saving your family stories today. You’ll be glad you did.
(I’ll receive a small commission if you purchase using the promo code.)
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